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The 12 Basic Exercises

taught by Master Drum Artist Piyasara Shilpadhipathi

(fieldwork with the family Shilpadhipathi in the years from 1999 to 2016)

(If your browser is not compatible, please download the files by right-click -> download.)

The Namaskara is a short kinetic ritual before starting to train the basic exercises; it supports concentration and awareness.
basic beats and syllables

The Anguyapade is a short drum ritual before starting to train drum exercises, where the student is guided by the teacher.

video 1
video 3

video 2

Download the handout and follow the transcriptions:

Basic Exercise 4
Basic Exercise 5
Basic Exercise 6
Basic Exercise 7
Basic Exercise 8

Basic Exercise 9

Basic Exercise 10
Basic Exercise 11

Basic Exercise 12


The Gaetabere in recent performance practices in Sri Lanka

Nano-performance in the Rupavahinin-TV of my friend Tamara (dancing) and me playing the gaetabere (1999)



The Gaetabere in the Perahera (1998) mainly as dance-accompaniment (Ves)

The Gaetabere in HewisiDrumming (2000 - Kelaniya Maha Raja Vihara) Pooja Padeye

The Gaetabere as an accompaniment for the AsneKuveni-Dance (2001) - part of the Kohomba Kankariya

Literature for educational purposes:

Jaffe, Nina: Patakin - World Tales of Drums and Drummers.
The Archive of Contemporary Music, New York 1994

Buddhist Tales: Two Ways Of Beating A Drum


Literature for academic purposes: s. here (scroll down)

Claus-Bachmann, Martina: Traditional Music Culture In Sri Lanka: Drum (CD-ROM) ulme-mini-verlag Gießen 2006

(According to hard- and software changes in the last decade, the interactive multimedia CD-ROM is running on Win10, but the solution of the pictures had to be very low at that time

due to missing storage capacity. In the moment I am working on publishing the content of the CD on webpages in html; the same will happen with two other CD-ROMs about Dance and

Jataka-Tales in Sri Lanka)

For the background of all academic studies about culture and its diverse forms of expressions I recommend thouroughly

the books of Jan and Aleida Assmann, an academic couple, who got The Peace Prize Of The German Book Trade in 2018.

The meaning of musical instruments will become clear, when reading the statements about the Cultural Memory etc.

Assmann, Jan: Das kulturelle Gedächtnis. Schrift, Erinnerung und politische Identität in frühen Hochkulturen, München 1992, 2. Aufl. 1997. Taschenbuchausgabe München 1998;

Ital. Übersetzung La memoria culturale. Scrittura, ricordo e identità politica nelle grandi civiltà antiche, Übers. von Francesco de Angelis (Einaudi: Mailand 1997).
Ungarische Übersetzung (Atlantisz: Budapest 2000)
Türkische Übersetzung (Ayrinti: Istambul 2001)
Tschechische Übersetzung (Prostor: Prag 2001)
Bosnische Übersetzung
Arabische Übersetzung: al-thakira al-hadariya: al-kitabah wa al-thikra wa al-huwiya al-siyassia fi al-hadarat al-uliya al-mubakira. al-majlis al-alaa lil thaqafa, Kairo 2003
Französische Übersetzung: La mémoire culturelle. Écriture, souvenir et imaginaire politique dans les civilisations antiques, trad. Diane Meur, Aubier: collection historique, éditions Flammarion, Paris 2010.

Assmann, Aleida: Zeit und Tradition. Kulturelle Strategien der Dauer. Beiträge zur Geschichtskultur 15. Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau, 1999.Swedish translation 2004.

Erinnerungsräume. Formen und Wandlungen des kulturellen Gedächtnisses. München: Beck, 1999; 52011.

Italian translation 2002,

Japanese translation 2007,

Korean translation 2011,

Portuguese translation 2011,

Russian translation 2012.

English Version: Cultural Memory and Western Civilization: Functions, Media, Archives. New York:Cambridge University Press, 2011